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The downloaded videos can be converted to over 150 formats so that they are compatible with music player and other portable devices.
The software allows batch downloading of entire YouTube playlist and channel with just a click. HD video download with 1080p/720p quality is also supported. iTube HD Video Downloader for Mac can be considered as the best YouTube downloader for Yosemite/El Capitan as it allows downloading videos in different resolution and quality. iTube HD Video Downloader - YouTube downloader for Yosemite/El Capitan In addition to YouTube, iTube HD Video Downloader supports downloading from more than 10,000 sites. Batch downloading of YouTube playlist/channel is also supported by the software, and it can convert the downloaded videos to over 150 formats. The software allows downloading in different resolution and quality including HD 1080p/720p quality. iTube HD Video Downloader for Mac is excellent YouTube downloader for Yosemite/El Capitan that allows quick downloading of YouTube videos to your Mac. Upgrading to the new OS always brings in some or the other issues with the installed software, and if you are having troubles related to YouTube downloader for El Capitan, then iTube HD Video Downloader is the solution.